
Mar Simon Faddoul

Full name Mar Simon Faddoul
Title Archbishop
Order / dioces Ibadan- Nigeria
Country Nigeria
Address Our Lady of Annunciation Church, 22 Jibowu Crescent, Iyaganku, Ibadan, Oyo State, NIGERIA
Phone +23490366205541
Summer phone +2348051033333
Mobile +9613727333
Email [email protected] /[email protected]
Biography Simon Faddoul (born 7 January 1958 in Dik El Mehdi, Lebanon) is the current Apostolic Exarch of the Maronite Catholic Apostolic Exarchate of Western and Central Africa. Simon Faddoul received on 9 August 1987 his ordination to the priesthood in the Maronite Catholic Archeparchy of Antelias. On January 13, 2014 he was appointed by Pope Francis Apostolic Exarch to Western and Central Africa (without confer him the episcopal dignity) and Apostolic Visitor for Southern Africa.
Arabic full name المطران سيمون فضّول
Arabic first name سيمون
Arabic consecrated name راعي أبرشية سيدة البشارة ايبادان في أفريقيا الغربية والوسطى المارونية، والزائر الرسولي لموارنة افريقيا الجنوبية
Arabic family name فضّول
Summer address 33 بناية فضول - الشارع الرئيسيّ - ديك المحدي - المتن الشمالي