Ma ashkaha ka2sa askaha adam

Title Ma ashkaha ka2sa askaha adam
Arabic title  مــــا أشْــــقـــاهـــــــــا كـأسًــا أسْــــقــــــاها آدَمْ 
Album Kaslik, Semaine ste 2
Liturgical season Lent/ Passion Week
Topic Mass Liturgical Hymns
Type1 Great Friday of the Passion Week Ritual
Type2 Maronite Morning Prayers of the passion week
Type3 Passion of Christ
Type4 Lent
Choir name USEK Choir
Singer name
Writer name
Writer family name
Composer name Balbiyoutou 3ashintou
Composer family name بَلبـِيوتُو عَشِينتُو