
Maronite Monks of Adoration

Country USA
Phone +19787243347
Email [email protected]
Address 67 Dugway road, Petersham, MA 01366
Website www.maronitemonks.org
Profile God our Father throughout history has continually called men to the celebration of His divine love. He established His own peo- ple, nourished them with His word, sacramental gifts and miracu- lous power. God our Father has spoken through His Son who, by His death and resurrection, opened for us His kingdom and made it visible in and through His Church. Our Lord’s teaching is a call to repentance (cf. Mt. 4:17; Mk. 1:15; Lk. 24:47). Pouring out His Holy Spirit, the Lord invites generous souls to dedicate their lives to repentance and adoration in the si- lence of the monastery cloister. The Maronite Catholic Church, originally having formed around the monastery dedicated to St. Maron, has always held the cenobitical and eremitical life in special esteem. The growth of monasticism and the enduring existence of monks and hermits was carried on in the East in a special way by the monasticism of the Ma- ronite Church perduring through the centuries and shining forth in splendor to the whole world in the canonization of St. Sharbel Makhlouf in 1977. The Maronite Monks of Most Holy Trinity Monastery, its de- pendent monasteries and confederated monasteries, following in the long tradition ofMaronite spirituality and monasticism, modeled on that singular witness to Christ found in the heart and spirit of their holy monastic Fathers, live a cloistered, monastic life of reparation and adoration with devotion, dedication and simplicity. The particular goal of theMaroniteMonks ofMost Holy Trinity Monastery is to participate in the hidden and suffering life of Jesus Christ. The spirit of the community is especially to consist in this: that it is joined to Christ as a body appropriated by Him in His love and adoration of the Father and pouring out of Himself in love for His brothers. The Maronite Monks of Most Holy Trinity Monastery, its de- pendent monasteries and confederated monasteries form cloistered, contemplative communities in which there is an harmonious fusion of cenobitic and eremitical living. The apostolate and ministry for the glory of God and the salvation of souls is intra-monasterial (i.e. internal) in a life of prayer, Eucharistic adoration, reparation and work. As monks of the Maronite Church, we are nourished by the Ma- ronite liturgical life and are formed by the rich spirituality which flows from it. The monastery, its dependent monasteries and con- federated monasteries propose for themselves an ideal of monastic living compatible with the traditions of the Maronite Church. The manner of life then proposed in this Typicon is by its nature monastic, contemplative, cloistral and adorational. It is a life that is rooted in the long tradition of the monastic Fathers in the life of the Church. Most Holy Trinity Monastery began on the feast of the Nativity of Mary, September 8, 1978 and is under the aegis of the eparchy of St. Maron of Brooklyn. It was approved as an eparchial sui iuris(self- governing) monastery on January 17, 1996.